Practical suggestions for everyday living


While self-care may not be just about massages, healthy eating, exercise and green tea, it is about setting boundaries and priorities.

It is about being intentional about living a life that you don't feel the need to regularly check out of.

It is not about having to live up to that "strong Black Woman" idea in having to be everything to everybody and being strong for everyone who is near and dear.

Self-care is about you keeping your commitments, being consistent in following through with your decisions, or confronting your problems and issues head on instead of avoiding them or making excuses for why you did not follow through.

Self-care is about having those difficult conversations with those persons you care about that require honesty no matter how painful or no matter the consequences.

Self-care is about saying no and sticking to it even though you may feel guilty.

Self-care is about forgiveness, letting go, and accepting those things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference. (taken from the Serenity Prayer)

Self-care may not always be about rest and relaxation as it is about being intentional about your personal growth and development.

When you take are of yourself, you become the composer, song writer and singer and not the lyrics to someone else's song.

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