Women’s Veterans Services

Women's Veteran Services in South Los Angeles

At SISTAHFRIENDS, we offer specialized women’s veteran services in South Los Angeles that address the unique mental health needs of women who have served in the military.

An African American woman wearing a naval officer uniform holding her 5 year old son. The focus is on the little boy who is smiling and looking at the camera.

Gender-Specific Care

We provide gender-specific care that recognizes and respects your unique journey as a female veteran, creating a safe and inclusive space for you to discuss your concerns and receive specialized support openly.

Trauma-Informed Care

Our trauma-informed care approach prioritizes your emotional well-being by acknowledging the potential impact of combat exposure, military sexual trauma, and other traumatic experiences you may have faced during your military service.

Military Sexual Trauma Support

We provide compassionate support for women veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma. We offer therapy, support groups, and individual counseling to empower you on your healing journey.

Reproductive and Sexual Health Services

In addition to mental health support, our women’s veteran services include comprehensive reproductive and sexual health services. We offer resources and expertise to address your needs, such as family planning, sexual health, and menopausal care.

Parenting and Caregiver Support

We understand the challenges of balancing caregiving responsibilities as a veteran. Our services include tailored support for parenting and caregiving, helping you find a healthy balance between your role as a caregiver and your own self-care.

Peer Support Groups

We offer peer support groups where you can connect with other veterans who can relate to your experiences. These groups provide a space for sharing stories, fostering camaraderie, and gaining valuable insights and support from those who understand your unique perspective.

Culturally Affirming Care

We value the diversity within the female veteran community and provide culturally affirming care. Our services are inclusive, respectful, and responsive to your cultural background, beliefs, and values.

Get in Touch

Contact us today to learn more about how our women’s veteran services can support your mental health, well-being, and resilience.